

Second day of vacation and I get the following info:
1. A student was kicked out of their house last night.
2. A student confesses via e-mail that they live in an abusive home with an alcoholic parent.
3. A volunteer leader calls me over something else and I discover that a student is doing some inappropriate things with their new friends.
There never is a vacation from ministry but my prayer life is getting even stronger.


The last bit of snow is finally gone from around our house. We enjoy the winter but Spring is looking mighty good! I talked to a friend from San Antonio yesterday who said he had confessed to Dan Kimball during the National Youth Workers Convention last fall that he felt like he was the only one who had felt that way about a post-modern approach to church. Dan's critical concerns course was his highlight of the convention.

I'm looking forward to the next convention already. I'm sure youth pastors aren't the only ones who need constant renewal but at times it feels like it. I hope that others who go the convention are able to meet other people and connect with them. That is by far the highlight of the NYWC for me, the speakers are good and at times amazing but my peers in local church ministry are the ones who sharpen me the most.


I just finished reading The Emerging Church by Dan Kimball. Great stuff and I think he's on the Post-Modern Ministry Road that most reflects my values. I'm still wrestling with the implications for my little place.


I had a conversation with 2 students the other day who could have been the poster children for postmodernism. After about 10 minutes of talking and learning that their faith was radically different from Historical Orthodox Christianity (or any flavor of Orthodox Christianity for that matter) we began talking about truth and is there an ultimate TRUTH. After this began, I asked, "Was it wrong for Hitler to kill all of the Jews?"

"Well. . . . It was wrong for him to kill them over their religious views but for him it was right".

Thus what I use to only read about is living in my youth ministry. I'm glad they are coming because we can love them and I think that Love is our best "apologetic" for the faith that we profess.


Is it worth $50 a year to not have ads and such on my blog? If no one visits does it really matter?


I've finally entered the scary world of blogging.

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